I guess what I have been doing as of late has become more than stale for me. There is no more excitement in trying to write, or even to draw in graphite. But, I do believe I have found a new way of expressing myself that doesn’t leave me raw and “exposed” in the end (pun intended).

Recently, my daughter wanted to know more about photography. I tried to dabble a bit 6 years ago when I got my Canon EOS Rebel T3 camera. But soon lost the spark, if you do not mind me saying so. I was alone trying to find my way, with little to no resources that I knew of. Thankfully, I have come across of them as the years went by. Anyway, I digress. As I tried to explain the very few things I knew to my daughter, we started to have fun with my camera. We would experiment on a few tips and tricks we found on Pinterest and I felt like I was alive again after having been dried for far too long deep down inside. One good indicator of this was that when it was time to go to bed, I just could not sleep. My mind was literally on fire. What used to scare me now electrified me. I used to be terrified of the numbers and functions on my camera. What F should I use? What ISO should I go to? Which is the best setting? I used to have a headache just thinking about it and now, all I want to do is to figure it all out. I am far away from that, but I am getting there. Also, I used to love to hide and not let people see me create, and now, all I want to do is go out and find subjects to photograph.

One question does come to mind, what type of photography would I want to do? So far, creating stock pictures seems to be what attracts me the most. You know, these pictures we see in adds all over the internet, where everything is perfect and which attract people to a business? Yeah, those kinds. From textures to scenes, from the natural and wild to human and domestic. It all appeals to me simply because I want to be my own boss. I do not want to have to answer to somebody hiring me. And having been to enough weddings as a kid, helping my dad in his own photography business, I do know that this is not the avenue I want to take. I want to take pictures of anything that comes my way in the world and learn to make each picture not just beautiful, but downright stunning.

I will still write on occasion, I will still draw. But now, all I want to do is go outside and snap pictures. Too bad my mountain of laundry today will not allow me that, but I will still have fun testing my camera. Because testing is fun and seeing progress and slowly seeing my brain get it, is incredible.

Until next time world.

Here we see my daughter walking in the woods. The picture is far from perfect. I was not able to change the ISO like I wanted, but the contrast I was able to create was quite appealing to me. That picture, although not perfect, gave me hope that yes, I could do this.